Beautiful, Safe Daycares and Schools
Mulched flower beds, playgrounds and pathways communicate well-maintained and safe play areas for children. Blown-in mulch from a qualified mulch installer can quickly and easily improve the aesthetics of any school or daycare playground without disrupting play or normal playground operation.
Installing playground mulch in and around school and daycare areas provide protective and visual benefits.
Mulch provides caretakers and parents with peace of mind that children will not be seriously injured if they fall. It also prevents the growth of weeds and unwanted plants from play areas giving directors, principals, and playground supervisors peace of mind that the playground can be easily maintained and look nice all year. Installers Provide Fast and Cost Effective Mulch Installation
Blown-in mulch is the most effective and easy way to provide mulch to large areas such as schools and daycares. Qualified installers regularly blow in large quantities of certified playground mulch to daycare centers, schools, parks and municipalities.
This method of mulch installation isn’t hindered by fences, playground equipment or landscaping and can be achieved in as little as one afternoon. Fewer installers makes for cost effective installation, and sophisticated blow-in equipment enables a tidy, fast installation process.

Certified Playground Mulch Provides a Safer Playground Environment.
Aside from welcoming children to your daycare and school playground, mulch provides a layer of safety for rambunctious children at play.
Benefits of Mulch for School and Daycares connects you with mulch providers who use Certified Mulch, IPEMA Mulch, ADA Compliant Mulch and Engineered Mulch, so you can rest assured that all children are safe and protected from playground falls while playing at school and daycare.
We connect you with the right installers who provide labor, materials, equipment, supplies and and site supervision.
Blown-in mulch installation replaces several workers, reducing installation time from traditional manual mulch installation.
Mulch installers park and can blow in mulch from many locations. Their equipment applies large quantities of mulch without taking up excessive space in parking lots or common areas.
Qualified mulch installers can focus installation from any location and are able to tackle difficult projects that others can’t due to equipment accessibility.
The Michigan mulch installer you connect with through may recommend mulch made specifically for playgrounds.
The cypress playground chips are perfect for schools and daycares because they are more durable, there’s no bark or sticks, plus the size and shape of the chips helps keep the product out of the children’s shoes. Premium offering, cypress playground chips, provide a great cushion under swings, slides, playhouses and on walking trails.
Commonly Used Mulch Types for Schools and Daycares Include:
- Engineered Mulch - Wood Fiber
- Engineered Mulch - Playground Wood Chips
- Cypress Mulch - Playground Wood Chips
- Engineered Mulch - Shredded Bark Mulch