Why Should You Mulch? 6 Surprising Benefits
There are many benefits of mulching your landscape beds. In fact, the experts at the Michigan State University Extension Office recommend landscape mulch for many different reasons. Here are some benefits of mulch you may not have considered before and how blown mulch services can bring these benefits to your property.
#1: Mulching conserves soil moisture.
Plants need water to thrive, and mulch helps them stay hydrated by keeping the water in the soil where they can use it. How? Mulch reduces evaporation from the soil surface. Mulched beds need far less water in the hot summer months, so you’ll save money on your water bills.
If hot weather is on the horizon and your beds don’t have enough mulch, it’s not too late. Our partners respond to inquiries quickly and can get mulch to your property before it gets hot.
#2: Mulch reduces soil temperatures.
In a research trial in southwest Michigan, the Extension experts found that 3 inches of wood chip mulch reduced midday soil temperature by 18 degrees Fahrenheit. This prevents heat stress in your plants and helps them stay healthy even on the hottest days.
With blown mulch, it’s easy to install wood mulch at precisely the right depth. Spreading mulch manually requires a lot of physical labor. It’s tempting to stop spreading before reaching the required depth, especially if you’re doing the work yourself. Our installers will get a layer of mulch that’s thick enough to reduce soil temperatures so your plants can reap this benefit.
#3: Mulch naturally fertilizes the soil.
As wood mulch breaks down, it adds organic matter to the soil. This helps the soil retain important nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Mulched beds require less fertilizer as a result.
Our partners can install many different types of wood mulch, from cedar to red oak bark. They can also spread all sizes of mulch, from finely shredded to large chips. As part of your quote, your installer will help you choose the right type of bulk mulch for your site and your needs.
#4: Mulch controls weeds.
Mulch can help to control weeds by denying them the light they need to germinate. This keeps your property looking great and reduces the need for herbicides or hand-weeding. You’ll save money and time while reducing the amount of chemicals you’re spreading on your property.
If you have newly dug beds on your property, it’s important to get them mulched right away to prevent weeds from taking hold. Blown mulch can be installed in just a few hours, so you can suppress weeds from the very beginning.
#5: Mulch protects your trees from damage.
New and mature trees surrounded by grass are susceptible to lawn mower blight and string trimmer trauma. Mulch provides a buffer between mowers and weed whackers, which reduces the likelihood of trunk damage to trees.
Our Michigan mulch installers use long, flexible hoses, which means they can go anywhere on your property. Your trees and lawn won’t be damaged by machinery or excessive foot traffic. Our crews can reach the trees on the farthest corners of your property and protect them with mulch.
#6: Mulch improves your property’s appearance.
Neatly applied mulch improves the contrast between beds and lawn, providing a cleaner-looking edge. Blown mulch looks even better than mulch spread by hand. Plus, it’s so much less work for everyone.
If you’re ready to bring the benefits of mulch to your property, fill out the form on our site. We’ll get you connected to a professional mulch installer who can bring all these benefits with none of the hassle of spreading mulch by hand.
Categories: Michigan Mulch Installation, Mulch Blowing | Tags: Blown Mulch, Michigan Mulch Installation, Mulch Types